It should come as no surprise that affection and acceptance have a positive influence children during childhood and way beyond. In the Huffington Post blog, Dana Westreich Hirt explains the long term implications of of showing affection and acceptance to family...
How To Revive A Vision For Your Child’s Future After A Diagnosis
All parents know the challenges that come with raising children. However, it can prove even more difficult when one's child struggles with a disability or mental health condition. In the Huffington Post, Heather Nardi shares her story and highlights that despite...
DSM-5 Diagnoses In Kids Should Always Be Written In Pencil
Children with diagnostic labels has increased significantly in recent years. Dr. Allen Frances discusses some of the dangers of giving children a definitive diagnosis in uncertain circumstances as things may change as the child develops. He also explains some of the...
The Stress Of Raising A Child With Mental Health Challenges
Raising a child with mental health or behavioral issues can be extremely challenging and distressing. The Huff Post reprinted an article from that provides tips for parents who have a child with disabilities. Here is a link to the article:...
How Exercise Can Help With Postpartum Depression
Having a baby is exciting but can also be overwhelming on many fronts. While it is normal to feel a range of emotions during this time, some women become depressed and suffer from a condition known as Postpartum Depression. In the Huff Post, Roma Van Der Walt shares...
Is It Possible To Invest Equally In All Of Your Children?
We have all heard ourselves or others say, "we treat all of our children equally and love them all the same." But is this possible? In Psychology Today, Dr. Frank T. McAndrew explains his hypothesis about family dynamics with in households with multiple children....
7 Ways To Talk To Children & Youth About The Shooting In Orlando
Children and adolescents may have a difficult time grasping the violence that seems all too common in our society. They may have fears about their safety or struggle to understand why people kill others that may be different from them. provides...
No Spanking, No Time-Out’s, No Problems
There is always controversy on best practices for managing behavior issues with children. In the Atlantic, Olga Khazan writes about a child psychologist's perspective on child rearing and intervening with problematic behaviors. Here is a link to the article:...
Help Your Child With Psychiatric Needs Prepare For College
Many college students struggle with mental heath conditions. It is important these students have access to support, treatment, and appropriate accommodations so their college dreams are not shattered. In Psychology Today, Dr. Marcia Morris provides tips to help...
An Astonishing Number Of Kids Have Psychological Disorders
According to a recent survey from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 7 kids suffers from a psychological disorder. In the Huffington Post, Lindsay Holmes writes about importance of monitoring our children and ensuring they have access to proper...